Tears drop again and again :'(

*K , aku tk prnh frust trok mcm nie -.-

K sorry lama tak update HEEE malas :DDD Ohh lupa , Peace be upon you people :) winkk winkk :DD K , selasa 31 mei hari tu i had a big big problemo sampai share dgn baby cat , baby nurfarhana rosulan , and brotha ian and adek syah . K like usual problem with boyfie . Yeah dengan satu soalan sahaja , dia trus brubah jadi kasar and mcam sial pon ade la jugak . K tk prnh aku nges trok mcm nie if kene game mcm dulu tahu K soalan tu biar la rahsia , orang trdekat je tahu . Winkk winkk :DDD Then gado-2 then dia tak rply blah mcm tu je . K tkpe bole trima lagi , then mlm smbung gado dkat im . That time tk bole than , call cat dia tk agkt coz keje , call brotha ian tak agkt sebab meroyan baru lepas break then call adek syah . Thanks God dia ada , he chilled me up , give me support . Baru dia angkat call dia tanya sis kenapa mcm tkde mood ? Sis nges ? Sis knapa nie ? Jangan la nges crita la , adek tk suka tgok girl nges . Tetttt memahami btol kau dek

Then dia buat lawak bodo yang trsgt bodo then i can smiled back but just wondering kenapa brotha ian tibe-2 hilang mcm tu je , call tk agkt text tk rply im smua tk blas . Haihhhh , sabar jea la . Then hari rabu pulak , pagi tu try fix relationship dgn boyfie . Mula-2 dh rasa mcm nyawa-2 ikan je nie mcm tk bole selamatkan . But I LOVE HIM so i will try my best fix it . Finally , semua dah sttle alhamdullillah . Gembira gile okay , haa sapa suka if break dgn gf or bf yg dah lama bersama kan . Hati batu je macam tu . Whatever it is , I LOVE YOU BOYFIE and also WHO ALWAYS SUPPORT ME . Thank You buddies ❤